Saturday, 4 June 2011

Sunny London cook-a-thon

For those of you who have the privilege of living in London, you will agree with me that the weather has been just fab-u-lous. As fabulous as the Gwynnie herself!
So what better to do in such beautiful weather than barbecue??
So that's what we did on Friday!
I went to my local butcher on Fulham Road, always so sweet and amicable. I bought some wonderful rib-eyed steaks (which I didn't have because Gwynnie swore off red-meat after Leo Dicaprio exposed her to the cruelty of mega-farms) and some fresh veggies.
I had never barbecued before so I ask my butcher how to cook steaks on the BBQ to which he replied: "Well surely you have a boyfriend to cook them for you."
Oh right. Thank you. THANK YOU for reminding me that I don't have a boyfriend and for giving me such good culinary advice. That is just fabulous. Anyway, I managed to cook them and apparently they were just delish. My real pride and joy though were the veggies! So simple yet soo sooo good! Just cut up some peppers, fennel and zucchinis add some olive oil, lemon juice, loads of garlic, fresh thym and salt and pepper. I let it marinate for about 2 hours and then maybe 10 minutes on the grill. The fennel on the out of this world.

Those of you who know me a little, will know that I have the biggest sweet tooth on the planet.
So when Gwyneth came out with her cookbook and provided us with this amazing healthy-as-can-get-brownies recipe I HAD to try it. After a lovely trip to Wholefoods (I feel so good in there, I could do a sun salutation in the middle of the wholewheat pastas and breads aisle) I had all my ingredients ready for the ultimate healthy brownie: HELLO AGAVE SYRUP and SPELT FLOUR!!!

These brownies (NO EGGS!) were seriously the best brownies I have ever had!! Do not forget to put in the chocolate chips in the middle and on top... simply decadent. This is truly the Marie-Antoinette of all brownies. 

Key points: Don't over beat! And she says 30 minutes, but mine were ready in be careful! 
Also I put some actual milk instead of soy milk...didn't really change anything. No fuss. 

DELICIOUS!! ENJOY! Life is too short! 

What would Gwynnie do? She'd eat those brownies.  

You can find the recipe here: 



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