Thursday, 26 May 2011

Hi guys! Last month Gwyneth spoke to Self magazine.
And she said she was in the best shape of her life and she spoke 'work out' a little bit...
She does 45 minutes of cardio 5 times a week, then 45 minutes of muscular structure work.
She does mostly Tracy Anderson's dance aerobics classes:
 "It took me a long time to learn the choreography when i started I was so uncoordinated! After 11 minutes, I'd pass out and cry and say: "I can't do this anymore!!" Now I can't live without it."

aaaaaahhh... Ok. Lukas and I LOVE the exercise, but an hour and 30 minutes for five days a week!!! Ouchie. We'll try.
I have to tell myself I could look like this:

And Lukas has to just go with it. Cause he took the oath. And he's a very supportive friend.


1 comment:

  1. Ok so I went to the gym (Fitness 4 Less, not sure Gwynnie would approve) and did 40 minutes of cardio and 20 of muscle stuff on the ball. I'm exhausted, I look like shit and have moved on to drinking my bottle of rosé. I know gwynnie would approve of that last bit.
    Do you think gwynnie looks phenomenal after working out? :(
