Tuesday, 31 May 2011


So I’m back in London. Tanned and happy. And exhausted. Sipping a longed-for-glass-of-rosé.

How beautiful is the South of France!! I’ve been several times in several different towns, but I have to admit the seclusiveness and exclusiveness of Cap-Ferrat really beat anything I had seen before. I’m sure Gwynnie loves Cap-Ferrat though she talks about Spain and Italy like ALL THE TIME (Mind, we would probably do too if Mario Batali were our BFF).
Anyway, a sweet long bank holiday weekend wouldn’t be the same without some delicious food, a good workout and some pool time, right?
Following Gwynnie’s recent GOOP newsletter on how to make pizza in your backyard we thought relevant to use our own* backyard oven (should we say poolside oven?) in Cap Ferrat.
Actually even though we love The Cooking I thought it’d be unfair to strip the chef of his title even for this blog’s sake. So the chef made the pizza! SO SIMPLE! It was delish. Or déclicieux! Merci Alexandre! (Yes, he was as hot as he sounds). 
Ok he doesn't look that hot, but he really was. AND he cooks pizza. Outside. With his bare-hands. 

Even though my days always involve a lot of running around (thanks to my glorious flourishing career in the nanny industry), I always try to stick in some workout of some kind. Here in Cap-Ferrat the workout de choix has to be running. It’s really bad for your knees and my physician doesn’t want me to run because of the arthritis I have in my hip (no joke, it’s the right one), but you do what you gotta do. 
In Cap-Ferrat is a long path that goes up and down all around the peninsula’s cliffs. The sun is terribly hot but at least there is this diviiiine breeze that makes it a bit bearable. The magnificent view helps as well. So listening to Single Ladies and Irreplaceable by Beyoncé, I ran for 30 minutes (We hear Gwynnie’s like bestieswith Beybey, so we thought it was a good workout playlist).
The best part of it all: passing by people who look at you like your insane because really who would go running up and down a barely paved path in 30 degrees heat? GWYNETH WOULD. Gwyneth would people!! 

The path. It almost killed me several times. Near-death experience in Cap-Ferrat. Were so chic.

The sun was just too bright to open my eyes. But I did run 30 minutes under it! AH! 

GORGEOUS, isn’t it? I thought Gwyneth would really like to workout here. Or at least she’d want us to stay active, especially after all that margherita pizza and truffle pizza (yes, truffles smell like feet but GOD IT WAS YUMMY IN MY TUMMY.)  

We also visited Jean Cocteau’s house in which he painted on the walls. He was friends with Picasso…anyway, very cool house. And even though it has nothing to do with our mentor, I thought Villa Sospir was worth mentioning! Gwyneth is really big on culture. So we hear. 

And Lukas, for the record, this was the view I had over the long weekend:


Oh and did I mention Karolina Kurkova joined in the pool fun? ;)
How was London?

* Please note that I’m using the term “own” very loosely here. 

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