Thursday, 26 May 2011

So we always knew Gwyneth Paltrow could act. We also knew she was very pretty and was married to Coldplay frontman and musical genius: Chris Martin. Then came GOOP, her lifestyle blog on how to live fabulously and wholesomely. As much as we wanted to hate it we couldn't. So we subscribed to her Newsletter.
Then came Country Strong (or is it Country Song?). Blimey! She can actually sing! And play guitar. OH and did we mention those MILES of legs at the CMAs last year? We took a deep breath and tried to ignore the fact that she has a better body after two kids than we would ever have (were 23). We thought, yes perhaps bitterly: "She must be starving herself."
So she does eat. Great. And you know what? That book is a-ma-zing. The recipes are deliissshh and easy!
So as much as we tried to hate it, hate her, it doesn't work. We are in awe and we want to be like her.
This blog is on trying to live as fabulously as la Gwynnie. Lukas and I have taken a secret oath, swearing on her cookbook that we would try and be as grand as she is.
Here it is: Being Gwyneth.

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